Training Coordinator
Job Description:
Position : Training Coordinator
Job description
Role & responsibilities:
We are looking for a skilled Training Coordinator who will help us ensure the smooth and effective functioning of training events and special projects in our company. Your duties will include managing٫ designing٫ developing٫ coordinating and conducting large or small scale training programs.
You should be an experienced educator٫ with strong abilities to convey and a deep knowledge of your field. Organizational skills and a positive attitude are also required.
Preferred candidate profile:
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
A keen understanding of the differences between various roles within organizations.
Qualifications and Education Requirements:
PGDBM / MBA in Human Resources Management or relevant field.
Role: Training Coordinator - Other
Industry Type: Construction chemical Chemical
Department: Human Resources
Employment Type: Full Time, Permanent
Role Category: Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator responsibilities are:
- Review and organize training plans٫ design and develop training programs for corporate٫ HR training and so on.
- Prepare appropriate training methods per case٫ including simulations٫ mentoring٫ on the job training٫ professional development classes and so on.
- Inform employees about available training opportunities to and provide necessary information.
- Perform needs assessment on an entire organization level and identify skills or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed.
- Implement accepted education principles and explore new training methods and techniques
- Develop educational aids and materials.
- Review and analyze instructional effectiveness and prepare reports determining the impact of training on employee skills and how it affects KPIs.
- Collaborate with internal stakeholders and liaise with matter experts regarding instructional design.
- Manage curriculum database and training records.
- Organize train-the-trainer sessions for internal subject matter experts.
- Oversee in-house training facilities and equipment.
Training Coordinator requirements are:
- 0- 2+ years' experience of working on a Trainer٫ Training Facilitator or other relevant position.
- Significant experience in coordinating multiple corporate training events.
- Significant experience with learning management systems and web delivery tools.
- Good experience of providing complete full training cycle٫ assessing needs٫ plan٫ develop٫ coordinate٫ monitor and evaluate.
- Excellent knowledge of instructional design theory and implementation.
- Close familiarity with traditional and modern job training methods and techniques
- Close familiarity with MS Office.
- Strong organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple assignments
- Good communication skills.
- Degree in Education٫ Training٫ HR or other related area.
PG: MBA/PGDM in HR/Industrial Relations
Key Skills
Excellent in Communication
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