Job Description:
Will be responsible for handling business .
Segments to be handled, Hospitality, Corporate, Retail (MTO and HORECA).
1. Age-45
2. Education –MBA, desirable
Should have handled GT, Modern Trade and Insititutional sales.
4. Those who have worked with Premium products and niche products , including high end cosmetics, will have an added advantage. A person who has worked in typical FMCG companies only , may not fit the bill.FMCG grounding is important , but after that should have worked in Premium product companies.
Company Profile
The world’s largest fragra---ce, i---ce---se, a---d prayer/puja esse---tials bra---d for over 72 years. We have spe---t three ge---eratio---s i--- creati---g a---d perfecti---g the art of fragra---ce a---d i---ce---se ma---ufacturi---g. The sce---t of our i---ce---se reaches over 65 cou---tries. A--- I---dia--- bra---d with a truly global reach a---d followi---g.
Si---ce 1948, we have pio---eered path-breaki---g i---dustry i------ovatio---s i--- fragra---ces, packagi---g, a---d marketi---g. Today, we have a rich curatio--- of over 500 u---ique fragra---ces, a robust distributio--- ---etwork, a---d a o---e-stop o---li---e desti---atio--- for fragra---ces a---d prayer esse---tials&---bsp;
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