Area Sales Manager for Mumbai
1 Nos.
Full Time
7.0 Year(s) To 10.0 Year(s)
4.00 LPA TO 5.40 LPA
Sales / BD
Job Description:
- Maintaining and increasing sales of your company’s products
- Reaching the targets and goals set for your area
- Establishing, maintaining and expanding your customer base
- Servicing the needs of your existing customers
- Increasing business opportunities through various routes to market
- Setting sales targets for individual reps and your team as a whole
- Allocating areas to sales representatives
- Developing sales strategies and setting targets
- Monitoring your team’s performance and motivating them to reach targets
- Compiling and analyzing sales figures
- Possibly dealing with some major customer accounts yourself
- Collecting customer feedback and market research
- Reporting to senior managers
- Keeping up to date with products and competitors
Key Skills :
Company Profile
The world’s largest fragra---ce, i---ce---se, a---d prayer/puja esse---tials bra---d for over 72 years. We have spe---t three ge---eratio---s i--- creati---g a---d perfecti---g the art of fragra---ce a---d i---ce---se ma---ufacturi---g. The sce---t of our i---ce---se reaches over 65 cou---tries. A--- I---dia--- bra---d with a truly global reach a---d followi---g.
Si---ce 1948, we have pio---eered path-breaki---g i---dustry i------ovatio---s i--- fragra---ces, packagi---g, a---d marketi---g. Today, we have a rich curatio--- of over 500 u---ique fragra---ces, a robust distributio--- ---etwork, a---d a o---e-stop o---li---e desti---atio--- for fragra---ces a---d prayer esse---tials&---bsp;
Apply Now
- Interested candidates are requested to apply for this job.
- Recruiters will evaluate your candidature and will get in touch with you.