60 Job openings found

1 Opening(s)
2.0 Year(s) To 5.0 Year(s)
4.50 LPA TO 5.00 LPA
JOB DESCRIPTION: Can draft legal documents and vetting of documents and agreements pertaining to Trademark, Real Estate, Share Agreement, Purchase Agreement, Share Holder Agreement, Maintenance Agreement, Partnership Deed, Rental Agreement, Share Holder Deed, Sales & Purchase Agreement, MOU, etc. Vetting of all departmental legal documentation as to when needed. Can give expert opinion ...
1 Opening(s)
7.0 Year(s) To 12.0 Year(s)
Not Disclosed by Recruiter
Qualification: MSW/LLB/LLMExperience: 7 yrs to 12 yrsIndustry: Automobile /ManufacturingLocation: Greater Noida Job Responsibilities:Drafting legal responses & Noting to government authorities/agenciesEnsure legal vetting of various agreements and contracts such as vendor agreements, Confirm compliance of all Legal & Statutory requirements w.r.t. all Labor Laws, Factories Act / Rules, Central & State Pollution ...
1 Opening(s)
3.0 Year(s) To 8.0 Year(s)
6.00 LPA TO 9.00 LPA
The candidate must be a law graduate having 3-8 years’ experience in working in mid-sized company(preferably manufacturing Company) in legal position.                       in-depth understanding of relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards applicable to the organization In-depth exposure of Contract drafting and vetting. Legal research, searching relevant case laws etc. Exposure to Labour/Industrial/Commercial Laws. Liaison with lawyers, prepare the ...
1 Opening(s)
4.0 Year(s) To 5.0 Year(s)
Not Disclosed by Recruiter
Profile summary:We are looking for a resourceful, flexible and enthusiastic individual; who is self-motivated, passionate,hardworking, talented, driven; a diligent support executive to assist and work directly with theFounding team. This is a high-impact high-responsibility & a multi-tasking role; with responsibilities forcoordinating across many areas of the business, assisting with certain ...
1 Opening(s)
5.0 Year(s) To 10.0 Year(s)
8.00 LPA TO 10.00 LPA
1. Drafting, Vetting of Legal Agreements (Sale / Purchase / Leave & License Agreements, NDA).2. Maintaining Statutory registers such as Minutes of General Meetings & Board Meetings, Register of Directors, Register of Directors Shareholdings, Register of Members, Register of Share Transfer pursuant to the Companies Act 2013.3. Schedule board meetings, ...
1 Opening(s)
2.0 Year(s) To 10.0 Year(s)
6.00 LPA TO 8.00 LPA
Candidate Should be aware of all Secretarial Compliances related to Companies act & statutory provisions. -          File various statutory forms & returns with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs & regulatory authorities. -          raft, reviewing and vetting of agreements & documents.   -          Experience of NBFC related RBI compliances.   We need Qualified Company Secretary with min 3 yrs exp.
1 Opening(s)
9.0 Year(s) To 15.0 Year(s)
0.00 LPA TO 8.00 LPA
Company Name :- Medhaj Techno Concept Pvt. Ltd.Company Website :- https://www.medhaj.com/ Job DescriptionPosition Title: Engineer Trainee- ElectricalIndicative Roles & Responsibilities on Regularization:1. Operations of Sub-Stations: Monitoring of system parameters, Substationoperation as per guidelines, Outage coordination, Coordination withRTAMC/RLDC, Maintaining operational formats as per norms, Issuance ofpermits for maintenance/testing/line maintenance.2. Maintenance of Sub ...
1 Opening(s)
5.0 Year(s) To 6.0 Year(s)
15.00 LPA TO 18.00 LPA
  Drafting & Vetting of legal documents for financing of Real Estate Projects both for origination and acquisition of loans from other lenders and all other transactions ancillary or incidental to it. Giving legal advice, opinion and legal support to the business teams in order to finalise lending transactions and contributing in ...
1 Opening(s)
4.0 Year(s) To 10.0 Year(s)
15.00 LPA TO 25.00 LPA
JobPurpose: Integralpartof thelegal teamtosupport therespectiveunitsinitslegalandcompliancematters. Toprovidequalityandtimelylegalsupport totherespectiveunits.Ensuringregularupdationand strengtheningtheEYTool.Toassist indraftingandnegotiatingvariousdocuments.Toresearch, interpretandanalyzelaws&legalsituationsandassist instrategizingandadvisingthebusiness. Toassist inhandlingdiversedisputesandlitigations.Ensuringallcriticalstatutoryandregulatory approvalsrequiredforbusinessoperationsandcontinuityare inplacewithrespect toGPCoal Mines,MeenakshiCoalMine,MaliparbatBauxiteMineandcasespendingatvariouscourtse.g. CoalBearingTribunal,PartTimeTribunal,LaborCourt,CivilCourtaswellasHighCourts.   JobContext&MajorChallenges: JobContext : Operating inahighlyregulatedbusinesswhichmandatesheightenedfocuson statutorycompliancewithzerotolerance. In-houselawyershavetobeequippedtoprovideboth proactiveandreactivesupport toensurebusinesscontinuitywhilsthedgingagainst financial/non financial risks. Uncertainty and dynamic nature of the regulatory framework and judicial developmentswarrantsastute legal advicetosupportbusinessandtorenderingsupportat the conception (pre-operational) stage to the newmines. To look after the ...
1 Opening(s)
5.0 Year(s) To 6.0 Year(s)
2.40 LPA TO 4.00 LPA
Job Description: Key Job Responsibilities :- Prepare Annual / Monthly budgets for the project by networking with various functional managers and ensuring its completion within the approved timeline.- Collection of Production & Consumption data from Project/ site & verification of the same to ensure correctness.- Preparation of Periodic Cost Reports & ...

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